Sunday, November 14, 2010

Analee's Family

I had an AWESOME time with this family back in September taking their family photoz!! This family is sooo much fun and such SURVIVORS!!! I pray for their health as I know many of you out there are doing as well! Here's their scrapbook page . . .

My style taking photoz is to make myself and my clients cry or at least bring a tear to their eyes during photoz . . . that's how MUCH I LOOOVE taking photoz and it's sooo much more PRICELESS to me to take photoz that are neat, with such meaning as this next photo!! :-)

Such a GREAT family of SURVIVORS . . . ALL of them!!! :-) Thankz again for letting me capture your family's photoz! I wouldn't let them pay me because I wanted them to use the money to further Matt's medical treatments. I wish them well and hope they find the answers they are looking for with their precious Dad and Husband!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing in your photos and making others feel your love! You will be blessed my friend.
