Monday, March 15, 2010

My Favorite Spot . . .

So as most of you know . . . I have a FAVORITE spot out here in Levan that I LOVE to take photoz at . . . well, I came home from a little vacation to St. George and when I drove by my favorite spot there was this SIGN hanging up . . . my heart dropped to my stomach!!!! I thought I was going to throw up!!!! I went and talked to the owner of the property because for the last year, I have HAD PERMISSION to be on that property to take photoz . . . but because of some other people and other photographers, I am NO LONGER able to take photoz there. I offered to pay him and he just said NO that it's for the best that I stop going there . . . soooo I was sad and now the hunt is on for a new spot. So I am begging all photographers out there, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE GET PERMISSION BEFORE you take photoz on someone else's property . . . I would still be able to take photoz if it wasn't for you. I know that sounds rude, but I'm soooo upset that I "played by the rules" and because of other people's choices, I no longer can take photoz there . . . they have ran people off at night, have had property damage, and things stolen, not because of me he said, so I just beg of anyone that knows of this spot, don't go on the property, it's run down, yes, but it's still private property! I am respecting the owner's wishes, you you must, too!!!! I know I've probably offended someone, and I'm sorry, but it's just a HARD situation and it's not fair that one person plays by the rules and gets permission and then a handful of people/photographers just sees the spot and thinks, oh that's great, we'll just use this, no one will know . . . so YES, my face says it all. I was told that I could take photoz there ONE LAST time, so I got my own family and took some photoz!!! Thankz for listening to me ramble on and I hope I didn't offend too many people!!! :-)

Good-Bye to my FAVORITE SPOT!!!!

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